1 Examine Current Investable Assets
- Assets with other investment firms
- Deferred Accounts: 401(k) plans, IRAs, and pensions
2 Determine asset allocation of all holdings
- Equities
- Fixed Income
- Cash
- Alternative Investments
3 Perform Needs Analysis
- Current situation, goals, and family dynamics
- Risk tolerance
- Time horizon
- Income needs
- Tax considerations
- Liquidity needs
- Communication preference
4 Conduct a thorough discussion around our investment approaches
Lifetime capital portfolio
- Used to support the clients' needs during their lifetime
- Incorporates tactical asset allocation approach
Surplus wealth portfolio
- Used to pass wealth to heirs/charity
- Incorporates strategic asset allocation
5 Identify other assets (real estate, closely held business, etc.)
- Current market value
- Amount of income produced
- Impact on overall asset allocation
6 Make recommendations and develop action plan
- Portfolio conversations
- Account-specific rules
- Deferred accounts: 401(k) plans, IRAs, and pensions